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Law on burial
[ 23 Answers ]
I know this lovely American old couple who have been living in Costa Rica for the past several years. He passed away a few weeks ago and despite his written will, the wife didn't take the corps to the U.S. for the funeral. She instead buried him in a local cemetery. Now the deceased husband's...
Funeral and burial expenses
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My father passed away on October 2006. He was 77yo and on SSI, so I was left with the funeral and burial expenses. Are these expenses Tax Detuctible for my 2006 return? Thanks
Green burial
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Recently I was looking at a web site that I frequent and they were advertising card board caskets. I was wondering if it was legal to be buried in a card board casket? %^)
Direct burial extension cord
[ 3 Answers ]
I have put up outdoor xmas lights around my yard. They look great and I plan on leaving them there year round. The question is how to get power to them. Right now I have run extension cords from an outdoor outlet to several different starting points for the light strings around the yard. But... View more questions Search