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Cuious about some of the jewish religion
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I am wondering how old a jewish person has to be to become a rabbi?? And how appropritae it is for someone who claims to be a rabbi to use foul launguage??
Will a Soul be sent to Hell if religion is practiced that doesn't fully surround God
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I am constantly wondering whether a soul will be sent to hell if a religion is practiced that doesn't fully surround the teachings of God. Like Buddhism for example. I'm constantly hearing that if you don't believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins then you will not be able to enter Heaven and...
Am I Jewish?
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I understand that Jewish descent is matrilineal, but how far back does that go -- all the way back to Moses, or just a generation or two? In researching my geneaology, I just discovered that my great-great-great grandmother (on my mother's side, straight matrilineal descent to me) was Jewish....
Am I Jewish
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Hi, My name is Emily, My question is "Am I Jewish "? I have been told that unless my family members that were Jewish,were from my mother's side of our family I couldn't claim my Jewish Roots is this true? I'm very confused, why should it make any difference or does it? :confused: View more questions Search