Uber Member
Sep 11, 2009, 10:17 AM
I don't know what this is
My late husband was raised as an Orthodox Jew. Today I decided to clean out one of his dresser drawers (which, so far, I haven't been able to do) and I found a velvet zippered pouch with the Star of David on the front and inside is what I would describe as a square piece of wood (or maybe plastic), black, topped with a second but smaller square piece of the same material. There is a slot in front of the larger piece and a very long (maybe 6 foot on each side - ?) piece of what appears to be rawhide is threaded through and tied in a sort of square knot about 8" from the "handle."
Does anyone know what I'm describing?
What is this and how to I properly dispose of it and the pouch?
Sep 11, 2009, 11:28 AM
It sounds like it might be tefillin. Check out Tefillin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia to see if that's what it looks like.
I would think that you could bring it to a local Orthodox temple and donate it.
Junior Member
Sep 14, 2009, 11:07 AM
Definitely sounds like tefillin! They are very holy... they must not be discarded. I would agree, give them to an Orthodox congregation.
There should be TWO pieces... one with a long strap, another with a strap in a loop with two long ends. Did you find both parts?
Uber Member
Sep 14, 2009, 11:55 AM
Until I unwound them I did not realize that they are not the same - yes, I have both of them, one long and another with the loop and two ends.
Senior Member
Sep 16, 2009, 10:42 AM
Hi, Judy.
Yep, them's tefillin.
They are considered EXTREMELY holy... on par with a Torah scroll.
The outer covers are probably plastic or cardboard. However the inner box and the straps are all leather from a kosher animal (usually a cow or bull). Inside the leather boxes are scrolls written on parchement with the verses of the "Shema" on them. Traditionally, they are used during morning prayer services on weekdays (not Saturdays or Jewish Holidays). They are worn by males age 13 and up.
I would be interested in knowing if the knot on the loop of the "head" tefillin is a box knot or an L-shaped knot. It would tell me whether the Teffilin in question are Ashkenazic or Sephardic. Just a matter of curiosity, not something that changes anything. The "head" tefillin is the one that does NOT have a slipknot. The "arm" tefillin has the slip knot.
Are you going to be keeping them? If not, there are a number of good charities that accept old teffilin and give them to young boys just becoming bar-mitzvah who cannot afford a pair for themselves. (A pair can run as high as $5K. The lowest I've seen in recent years is $2K.) If you'd like, I can put you in contact with such charities.
If you plan on keeping them, I suggest keeping them in a dry place without too much moisture in the air. The leather and the parchment of the scrolls is very sensitive to air moisture. We generally have our teffillin checked by an expert every 3 years or so for degredations of the leather and problems with the scroll because they are so sensitive. DEFINITELY keep the teffillin inside the pouch when they are not being used or shown in order to protect them from too much exposure.
Let me know what you want to do, and I'll be happy to assist you.
Uber Member
Sep 17, 2009, 02:11 PM
I have no reason to take them out of the pouch but they HAVE been in the basement for seven years.
I think they have box knots but I don't really know the difference.
I also found a prayer shawl of some kind and several yarmulkas.
Senior Member
Sep 17, 2009, 02:57 PM
 Originally Posted by JudyKayTee
I have no reason to take them out of the pouch but they HAVE been in the basement for seven years.
Then they would need to be checked by an expert before being used.
I think they have box knots but I don't really know the difference.
That would make them Ashkenazic. Not that there's any particular difference. Just a slight difference in tradition.
I also found a prayer shawl of some kind and several yarmulkas.
The Yarmulkas are less holy, and thus less of an issue. The prayer shawl (tallit) is more important and has an inherent holiness as well.
Let me know what you wish to do with them and I'll see if I can help out.
Uber Member
Sep 21, 2009, 10:43 AM
My late husband's cousin is a Rabbi in Israel - I have mailed everything I found to him (after talking to him) and he will sort through and determine what to give away, what to dispose of.
Thank you so much for your help - I just didn't want to do the "wrong" thing or otherwise dishonor my husband.
Senior Member
Sep 21, 2009, 02:36 PM
 Originally Posted by JudyKayTee
My late husband's cousin is a Rabbi in Israel - I have mailed everything I found to him (after talking to him) and he will sort through and determine what to give away, what to dispose of.
Thank you so much for your help - I just didn't want to do the "wrong" thing or otherwise dishonor my husband.
I think you did great by your husband. Glad to have been of some small assistance. Let me know if you have any other questions.
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