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Why cant I find a job
[ 11 Answers ]
Ive been a stay at home mom for the past 3 years. And have worked part time on a as needed basis at the grooming shop my cousin works at. I go in today to see if they need me tomorrow and they said they would call me because they need someone they can depend on. I got sick at work last Friday and...
Why can't I find a job!
[ 6 Answers ]
I look and look and look and look. But there's no jobs. Everyone is HIRING. But they are either looking for a man or a elderly person, or a person with a degree.:confused::eek:
How can I find what I want for a job
[ 1 Answers ]
I'm 18 and I'm looking for a job as me and my boyfriend are moving in together and he is putting presser on me about getting a job as we need all the money we can get as we are going to have a mortgage to pay but the thing is I am a very unconfident person which makes me shy, and its making it... View more questions Search