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I stole a €1 chocolate bar and got caught
[ 6 Answers ]
I was in aldi in Ireland ( where I'm from ) and me and my friend thaught it would be good to steal a bar , I ended up In the office and Garda were called I gave a fake last name , fake numbers and a fake address but they know my school what will happen!
I got caught stealing from walmart in pa
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I am a 20yo that was caught stealing from walmart the stuff I got came to like $30 I was stopped at the door and taken to the back room and asked for my id and everything had me sign a paper saying they can take my picture they let me go without calling the cops the guy said I would get a letter in...
I stole from work and haven't been caught yet HELP
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I stole less than $350 from work over a period of 2 months. I haven't stolen anything else in the last 5 months and don't plan to. The guilt of doing this is literally eating away at me. I've never done anything like this before. They haven't discovered this yet but it's possible that they will...
Caught shoplifting at walmart
[ 5 Answers ]
I was caught shoplifting 20.03 worth of merchandise I was brought in to a room and told it was not enough to call police but they took my info and saud I would most likely get a fine when does the letter come? How much am I looking at? And how do they determine the amout? Do they review tapes?
Caught shoplifting in walmart
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