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Recent cdl-a graduate w/felony seeking an opportunity w/trucking company.
[ 1 Answers ]
I'm a recent cdl-a graduate who asks for a 2nd chance to be a productive person of society. My conviction was 20 years ago and seek anopportunity with trucking companies who are willing to hire a recent cdl-a graduate with a felony on his record. What major carriers are giving ex-felons a 2nd...
Is there help seeking employment with a felony on your record
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I am seeking employment and have a felony every where I go I get turned away is there anything I can do... I am about to loose everything I have with no job no money I desperatly need HELP
Police record in seeking employment
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I was investigated for shoplifting but released with a warning without charge. Dose it mean my charge is dismissed? Do I need to declare this when seeking employment in future.
Disorderly behaviour -implications on seeking employment
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I pleaded guilty of 2C:20-11b(2) shoplifting, which was downgraded to disorderly behaviour(Twp.Ord.129-13) early 2006 and just paid a fine (in state of NJ). I am offered a new job now and my employer does compliant background screening as a contingency for employment. What are the chances that I... View more questions Search