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Can you help me choose a game engine to work with?
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I'm learning C++ programming and C++ object oriented... What would be a good game engine get? I don't mind if it is freeware or commercial, But I plan on making 2D games and moving onto 3D.. I would like a game engine which will last me a long time (one which can do 2D, 3D, High end...
Fall down inside a shopping mall and admitted hospital
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My father was admitted hospital yesterday due to bone break. The cause is by a banana skin on the floor inside a shopping mall. May I know is any Malaysian law that can help me talk to the person in charge of the shopping mall, in order to held the shopping mall responsible for the medical fees? My...
What type of major to choose to work with animals?
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Hello, I am currently needing some advice about a career choice. I am graduating in May with a two year degree in Equine Science and am trying to find a school to transfer to. I have considered vet tech, animal behaviorist, zoology and business. I would like to make a significant salary and...
I am looking to work at a hospital with no experience. What jobs can I apply for?
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I am currently in school to get my LPN Certification and then move on to getting my A.S. in Nursing. Although now I work in customer service/technical area, which I hate. I really want to try to get my foot in the door with a hospital so they could (hopefully) pay for my schooling. Does anyone...
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Hi, I tried a lot to find specific information on my query, but couldn't find it and thus decided to post. Please pardon me if this question has already been answered previously. I currently live in NYC, and recently got a full time job in downtown NY. I am now looking to move somewhere close to... View more questions Search