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    mike203's Avatar
    mike203 Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 1, 2014, 07:44 PM
    Did I ruin my chances of getting a job interview
    I applied for a job at a large grocery chain, I never had an actual job before. I interned and volunteered in a little bit in high school and have a part-time job at the college I am enrolled at. I applied to over 60 jobs, I received some emails regarding my hours, and follows up regarding my availability. I haven't been able to afford my cell phones bill and had to use my mothers number. My mother told my that the manger from the grocery chain had called, they called mother again ten minutes later. I was able to accept the call, the manager asked me some general, and basic questions. I wasn't expecting anyone to call and I was caught off guard... I wasn't prepared. They asked me how I found out about the job, what I knew and liked about the company. I did know some brief and basic things about the company, and my experience I had engaging with the public. The manager didn't say anything negative about me, but the tone in his voice changed. I wanted to end the conversation I told them "thank you, for calling me..." they pause for a few seconds and said "we'll follow up with you... if were interested..." something like that, I don't recall the last thing he said. I felt embarrassed when I got home and like a moron.
    odinn7's Avatar
    odinn7 Posts: 7,691, Reputation: 1547
    Entomology Expert

    Jul 1, 2014, 08:41 PM
    Don't know all you said and what they said but yeah, it doesn't sound good.
    GKKimber's Avatar
    GKKimber Posts: 10, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 31, 2014, 07:27 PM
    Tell them what they want to hear. Ya might make it.
    Luck0rN0t's Avatar
    Luck0rN0t Posts: 263, Reputation: 45
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    Sep 12, 2014, 10:53 PM
    When employers hire, they want employees who have a vested interest in the business and are enthusiast to do... whatever the job may be. Try looking at it from the person who is doing the hiring... they have a list of how many potential people looking for work?

    Stand out, do a little research about the job(s) you are applying for, or if it is a first time thing, say how much you enjoy helping others, how it drives you crazy when carts are all over the parking lot and you go out of your way to always put yours away and you love it when chocolate sauce is at the end of the ice cream isle, that your grandmother needs help loading/unloading groceries and how happy it makes you to be able to help her with something that is so simple, but means so much...

    How you notice the way a good bag boy/girl does their job by putting heavy items on the bottom of the bags, not overloading them and consolidating products that belong in the together. Perhaps spend some time at the places you are applying and just observe how business is done, what you think could make things better, little things you notice. Take an interest in the business they are in.

    You are just looking for a job. They are looking to make an investment in the future of the company in person they hire. Make yourself stand out in a positive way and make yourself memorable.

    For every job you apply, you should ask yourself this question: Why should they hire YOU? And come up with some good answers to that question. Examples (stories) are a great way to make yourself memorable too. Don't be the one to end the conversation, however you may feel. They make me taking notes. Always thank them for calling you and their time and let them know you look forward to hearing back from them.
    Alty's Avatar
    Alty Posts: 28,317, Reputation: 5972
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    Sep 13, 2014, 12:17 AM
    Frankly I think employers expect too much. You want a job to make money. You'll do the job to make money. You'll do the job well so they keep you there because you need the money. It's that simple. It's not like you're investing in the company, and all these questions asking what you know about the company, to me is nonsense. You know they're hiring, you know you're looking for a job, this is you first real job so you likely won't be there until you retire, so you work, they pay, and that's it.

    Sadly that's not what they want to hear, and in today's job market, where jobs are hard to find, you have to go the extra mile. But don't forget that they're not the only ones that get to choose. You have a choice too! You're interviewing them as potential employers as much as they're interviewing you as a potential employee.

    Next time I'd be honest. If they ask what you know about the company, tell them "I know you're hiring, I know I need to work, I know I'll work hard for money, I know I need the money you're offering for a hard worker". Maybe that brutal honesty will get you the job. God knows that any person with an ounce of intelligence that's asked to hire new employees for a retail job, isn't expecting, or shouldn't be stupid enough to expect, that these people really give a crap about the company. You're working minimum wage. Show up, do your job, do it well, and that really should be enough.

    But ya, from what you posted, you probably blew this one. No worries, there will be more. :)
    Fr_Chuck's Avatar
    Fr_Chuck Posts: 81,301, Reputation: 7692

    Sep 13, 2014, 01:46 AM
    First, you need to change your attitude. Of have had several real jobs, and need to present it, that way.

    You look negative on yourself, they will see it.

    If you apply, and they ask you, they are the best place to work, you have heard some of their employees talk about how get it is there.

    You tell them things, they want to hear.

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