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    sery's Avatar
    sery Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Jun 30, 2016, 05:29 AM
    Career Confusion
    I studied interior design but I no longer want to pursue a career in that field because I think I would be of better use in the graphic design field, specifically doing illustrations. I haven't worked in any design firm(worked other jobs) after graduating and it's almost been a year and a half.
    Been trying to figure out what I really wanted to do so spend self learning illustrator, photoshop and free hand drawing, I have very little material to show to people since I just started and I'm doubtful weather I'll get to do an internship in a graphic design firm and because of the fear of rejection I haven't even tried because even internships have such high crieterias.
    Since I don''t know much about how even an illustration firm works, all I'm doing is finding projects that interests me and completing it.

    Should I just go look for a job in an interior design firm for money and pursue a masters in illustration? (which again is doubtful because I have very little material to show) Or just continue doing what I'm doing.. do fake projects in the name of creating a portfolio and eventually look for an internship?
    Also I don't seem to find any companies that do just illustrations from where I am. What do I do? I could reallly use some advice.
    smoothy's Avatar
    smoothy Posts: 25,490, Reputation: 2853
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    Jun 30, 2016, 06:35 AM
    Tough field to find work in, harder to find work that pays well, Nobody I know that got degrees in that field, and started in that field, are still in that field. However there ARE people making a living in it so there are SOME jobs.

    You'll never get any internship or jobs if you don't try and apply for them. Nobody will come looking for you to offer you anything. Rejection is part of life. It can't be avoided.

    The best jobs I have ever had were the ones I never thought I would get when I applied for them. But when you do, don't lie, be honest...making claims you can't back up will come back to haunt you.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Jun 30, 2016, 06:47 AM
    Ever hear of a starving artist? That's you, and the lesson that I believe you learn is you have to eat, and support yourself while you figure out your life career choices. Another old school thought I have kept in mind is, a bird in hand is worth two in the bush, which meant to me a steady income while you explore, and experiment with other options, and opportunities, is well worth the experience in the long run. Doesn't matter if it's building new skills, or learning a new trade, or even looking for that better job, a solid foundation on which to build a life that supports you is always a good idea.

    Face it you can take all the risks you want with life, and career, as long as you have a dependable place to fall back on in case things don't go as planned. Get the basics of day to day living down as a priority, and add as much of your dreams for the future as an enhancement to that priority.

    At least you won't starve as you learn, and plot a course YOU want to travel. So yes I say take the job that pays while you search for the one you want, and making up your own projects to practice those skills is a great HOBBY for now wouldn't you say? Never know when a collection of your hobby can be seen by someone and lead to something better than JUST a hobby.

    The analogy of the great actors who waited tables and delivered pizza while they worked in small theaters until they got their big break is an apt fit here for you to consider.

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