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    Myhearthasgone's Avatar
    Myhearthasgone Posts: 38, Reputation: 1
    Junior Member

    Jul 25, 2015, 06:13 AM
    Call centre job for a computer science graduate
    I have just graduated with a BSc. Honours in Computing Science and I have done several job interviews. The thing is that I do not want a career in programming and therefore I did not apply for any front end programming jobs, I applied mainly for analyst and technical support jobs. I got accepted for a web development job (the only programming job I applied for) but I turned it down since I did not find it interesting and the conditions were miserable. Now I am in a 3 month student placement related to business/finance and IT which I think I like, however, this is for the following 2 months only and then the company decides if they want to hire me or not since they told me that they "try before they buy". I have been with this company for only 2 weeks now and I like the team, etc , however, this week I got a call from one of the biggest organisations in my country and they told me that they accepted me for a technical support role. I am really confused what to do since this would be in a call centre and I feel that I would have done a degree in Computer Science for nothing if I start in a call centre, however, on the other hand I do not wish to lose such a chance to join this company since I would end up unemployed if after 3 months my current employer does not offer me a full time permanent offer. Should I accept the call centre job to gain experience and then if I do not find it interesting I see which other internal vacancies they offer after one year or so? They told me that I really have a good chance of advancing in their organisation in the coming years with my qualifications.
    smoothy's Avatar
    smoothy Posts: 25,490, Reputation: 2853
    Uber Member

    Jul 25, 2015, 12:15 PM
    Ah... such is life. This is one of those difficult situations we find us in from time to time... where we find ourselves having to decide between several unknowns. Its impossible to know which is the better choice right now... but a big question is... what are the employment opportunities in the area you live. You are only just a recent graduate. Meaning your value is significantly less to most employers than someone with actual experience. So you have to balance the possibility of being unemployed with the one of you have a job... even if its not in your field right now... you can always look for opportunities to advance within the company (most allow this only once every 6 moths to a year)... or to later change employers (something you don't want to do too often).

    There are many recent college graduates that can't find any work at all in their field upon graduation. And being in that position any job for now is better than no job earning and earning no money. No job is for life... so take what you can find that offers you the best option for now... and get experience, later you can always look for something better. Experience for both of these jobs now can later become valuable combined with other experience.

    It's a tough decision only you can make.
    joypulv's Avatar
    joypulv Posts: 21,591, Reputation: 2941
    current pert

    Jul 26, 2015, 04:54 AM
    My personal reaction is to stay where you are. You like it there! Go for broke, as the saying goes. Put all your efforts into doing an even better job than you are doing, and drop the negative worry that you will be out of a job in 3 months. ASSUME that you will be asked to stay. Make it clear once in a while that you want to stay. It's OK to say you love your job. You can work extra, stay late, ask what you can do to help your chances.

    As for call centers? The last resort job for someone with your resume, or a stepping stone job. They probably have openings constantly.

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