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Selling Company Incentive Stocks
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Hi Last year I exercised company stock options. A month later my company was sold so all my shares were sold. Assume that my exercise price was "X" and my selling price was "Y". If I was paid out my profits like in simple "Y-X" then I would have just reported that easily. However, some amount...
Selling stocks to pay off mortgage
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We want to pay our home mortgage off by selling some stocks we have held for a long time. We owe 190k on the mortgage. Our regular income is only 20k this year. How much will selling this stock affect us tax wise? We understand we have to pay a 15% capital gains tax on the "gain" from the sale....
Can you make a living off trading/selling stocks
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Will I be able to make money by buying stockes... if so what company or stocks should I invest in
NJ Nonresidence filing: Net gain from selling stocks
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Hi, I have a question about my NJ non-residence tax return filing. I am a residence of Virginia and worked from Jan - Nov 2011. Then I worked in NJ for the month of December (was a residence for less than 30 days there since I commute on the weekend). I sold some stocks in around May of 2011... View more questions Search