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    yugesh's Avatar
    yugesh Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    May 6, 2011, 09:50 PM
    Yesterday I bought a game TEW 2008 from net but I forgot to note down the order ID
    What should I do now...
    Appzalien's Avatar
    Appzalien Posts: 540, Reputation: 57
    Senior Member

    May 7, 2011, 08:59 AM
    If you signed in to the site to get the game and gave them a name and pass they will give it to you again just resign in and PM or ask the question there. Also when you buy things on the net and give an e-mail, they will often send you mail with your id in it for you to save. If there's nothing there you should look in your spam folder it may be there.
    FadedMaster's Avatar
    FadedMaster Posts: 1,510, Reputation: 148
    Ultra Member

    May 12, 2011, 07:11 PM

    From the TEW website:

    "I am having problems with my e-license AKA I have lost my license \ I had a hard disk crash \ I did a system restore..."

    Please contact Scott Vibert ([email protected]) by e-mail or private message for any issues to do with your license.
    Frequently Asked Questions - Grey Dog Software

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