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    drdradle's Avatar
    drdradle Posts: 45, Reputation: 2
    Junior Member

    Nov 11, 2008, 02:55 PM
    Online surveys
    Hey, I know that you don't really make all that much from the online survey things, but I was thinking of doing some just to make a few extra bucks. Does anyone know any good places to go to that won't scam you out of anything, and how much could I make if I got really into it?
    vingogly's Avatar
    vingogly Posts: 718, Reputation: 105
    Senior Member

    Nov 11, 2008, 04:42 PM

    The survey companies have gotten away from offering cash payments. You might get coupons or discounts from some of them. The only way to make any real money on a survey is to sign up with legit firms like Schlesinger & Associates; I did a survey at their downtown Chicago office for them and received a crisp new $100 bill for about an hour's work plus travel time. Schlesinger still calls me from time to time with survey proposals, but I'm frankly too busy now to take advantage of their offers. You need to be near one of their big city sites to participate, though (there are other legit firms like S & A, but I can't remember their names now).

    But... they will only invite you for a survey if you fit the demographic for the survey they're running. Some legit marketing firms will also hold focus groups.

    Forget most of the online survey sites. You'll get nothing for hours of effort... I know, I tried this as a way to supplement my salary in a low period. They'll get your consumer input, you'll get a "good feeling" for knowing you've contributed to their market evaluation efforts.
    seahwk83's Avatar
    seahwk83 Posts: 3,276, Reputation: 212
    Ultra Member

    Nov 11, 2008, 07:55 PM

    Have not run across one yet that has proved beneficial for myself, but as mentioned, the survey companies get their information from consumers input but at the end of survey
    Denismtl's Avatar
    Denismtl Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Nov 14, 2008, 06:11 PM

    I didn't find such a place. A lot of promises with no real cash

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