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Need name of older movie
[ 2 Answers ]
It most probably was on television late 70's early 80's. There was a woman who cured the sick by touching them. I remember one scene in which she stopped a little girl's nosebleed. I know it's not much, please help if you can. Thanks!!
Why some Christians will not recognize Cathoics?
[ 26 Answers ]
I am not a Christian nor a Catholic but many of my relatives are devout Christians. One is even a minister. Anyway, when I think of a Christian, it includes Catholics and Orthodox Christians, etc.. However, one of my devout "Christian" relatives insisted that Catholic is not a Christian. He...
Recognize this?
[ 4 Answers ]
The wall material in the photo seems to be some kind of glued and pressed bamboo? Anyone recognize it? It ain't drywall! View more questions Search