New Member
Aug 28, 2009, 09:53 AM
Website Idea, Where to Go From Here?
I have a great idea for a new website, nothing like it exists. This site would provide a service, to basically describe it without giving away all the details, it would be somewhat comparable to the methods of a job search site like Monster, in which it would bring two parties together-one providing a service (employers), and the seekers of the service (potential employees). It could be national or even international. Seekers would create a profile of sorts which would put them into specific categories and match them then to the services available to that specific category/location. The site would create prime advertising opportunities to a target audience. The potential advertisers are billion-dollar industries that just loooove advertising!
The thing is, I do not care to create/run a website. I do not know the first thing about it, and the potential magnitude of this site is just waaaay beyond anything that I am capable of.
I just want to sell the idea.
In summary, how does one pitch a website idea? To whom? How do I protect myself legally so as to not have my idea stolen?
Uber Member
Aug 29, 2009, 12:03 AM
Hi, Pallis!
The potentials for you make money could also be great with something like what you're porposing!
So, how come you're not willing to create and run such a website, please?
If you have the idea for this type of website, I'm not sure that you can protect yourself from someone "stealing" or using your idea for it, unless you've already develped the website. Just look at the number of websites there are out there promising this or that to whomever uses them.
If you want to sell and "pitch" the idea that you have, then my recommendation would be for you to get with someone who knows how to create websites, like the one that you're proposing, and work out some kind of legal contract with them so that both of your interests are protected and design the website in such a way that it will be difficult, if not impossible for others to steal what's on it to use for their own purposes.
Hopefully, others will also come along to address your question.
New Member
Aug 30, 2009, 01:35 PM
Hi, and thanks for addressing my question!
I don't know anything at all about creating and running a website, nor do I know much about computers period. I don't work in the field that this site would cater to either, so I have no connections in that regard.
My worries about my idea being taken stem from sites that compete-like Google vs Yahoo or Myspace vs Facebook-see, I fear that since I am not at all experienced in really any aspect of web business, that someone bigger, better and more connected than I could just run with my idea and surpass me completely. I know things move pretty fast online and once a good new idea is out there, it's usually copied in some manner. I don't even know that I could even get so much as a foothold before someone else came along and took the idea. That's pretty much why I want to just sell the idea. Also, I'm just not interested in computers or websites, I surely wouldn't want this as a career! I thought, if I could sell the idea and be done with it, then I'd be happy! As far as I'm concerned, the internet is OK for doing research but I do not enjoy using computers in the least. I find absolutely no pleasure in computers and internet in any way, shape or form, so the thought of doing this as a job is just awful!
BUT-I suppose I could buy a domain name and attempt to create the site. I guess it couldn't hurt, right? If it does well, I'll make money and if it doesn't, I'm just out whatever the cost of the domain name is and whatever I pay to create the site, right? Or am I missing something here?
Could anyone briefly outline what running a website entails? And what happens in the progression of a website from basically nothing all the way to popularity? What costs will I face besides the purchase of the domain, the creation/design of the site and possibly initial promotion? Would costs increase due to site use? i.e. where is my site and all of it's information stored?
See, I told you guys I don't know anything! :) I'm usually a confident person, but I'm treading somewhere that I just have zero experience in! I have full confidence in my idea, but not my ability to make it a successful reality.
New Member
Aug 30, 2009, 02:24 PM
I thought I should add to this discussion the features of my site, to get a better idea of things.
Within-Site Search
Profile Creation for Ease/Relevance of Search (by location and/or other factors) BUT-can also search without creating profile
Email/PM Notification Option (email sent when a relevant posting and/or a PM appears)
Small-ish Message Board w/ Limited Topics (message board is mainly for advice, tips, user's discussions/ratings of the companies/facilities that post/list/advertise and to share stories/experiences)
Free For Site Users and Listers (companies are able to list on site for free, users can create profile, search and receive notices free)
Users NOT able to upload photos (no need for that), Listers possibly can-but in most cases, don't need to
So really, it's very similar in principle to a job search site except obviously it's NOT a job search! The search is for something totally different! It seems pretty simple, now that I wrote that out. Maybe I can do it?!
New Member
Oct 26, 2009, 12:45 PM
Hi Pallis
I am facing a similar dilemma. I have a great idea and fear that it is only a matter of time before someone comes up with it. My design will feature very similar elements to the one you describe but the site is very specialised to a certain field.
Were you able to make any headway?
I think we are facing all the same hurdles.
We have this great idea but have limited funds, and knowledge of starting an internet business\site.
Did you have any breakthroughs?
Ultra Member
Oct 26, 2009, 12:50 PM
The trouble with great ideas is that it is easier to come up with them than to put them into practice. Building a functional website and making it work financially is the hard part. I know because I have a great idea too! A different one of course. :)
I am trying to learn how to build a website and taking a course in e-commerce.
Full Member
Oct 28, 2009, 07:22 AM
Get a patent. Or a lawyer at least! It would totally suck to have your idea taken and have to sit there and watch someone else become rich and famous over your idea!
Uber Member
Oct 28, 2009, 08:03 AM
Asking is right on... Ideas are a dime a dozen. Everybody has one. The PROOF is in the execution, not the idea...
To wit: A well executed web site that sold something as boring as shoes, will do MUCH better than a slick, fancy website, based upon a fantastic idea, but doesn't work well.
New Member
Nov 2, 2009, 08:00 PM
Your idea would get traction, but do not think it has not been thought of. Advertising is a verydiffulcult thing to sell. That is because in this economy especially the customer set will be highly unemployed. You just don't hits you need unique users, not the same user 20 times.
Don't mean to discourage you just no one will pay for an idea, that was called the internet bubble and it burst. Not to say you shouldn't try anyway.
New Member
Nov 4, 2009, 06:20 PM
Hi do you know webs.com it's like msworld
New Member
Nov 14, 2012, 05:35 PM
You could always use Website Angels to pitch your idea (completely for free) to the database of joint venture partners on there.
You need to know your unique selling point, your projected revenue and profit margins and how to really sell the idea. Joint venture partners are notoriously picky and if they aren't interested within a couple of minutes they never will be.
You can find out more here www.websiteangels.org
New Member
Feb 20, 2013, 11:19 AM
Seems like a great idea to me. But until and unless you build the website and host online, there will be no guarantee if your dream will come true or not. Another important thing is the website must be attractive to the users, so that it serves the purpose. For more help - Web Design - Website Design Tutorials, Articles and Free Stuff
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