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Salaried employees
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Can an employer make a salaried employee work 7 days a week?
Salaried employees
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As a salaried employee, we are being requested to utilize vacation time during a Holiday shutdown. If we do not have enough vacation time to utilize during this shutdown we have been informed we may borrow from next year. In the past we were allowed to take upaid time off avoiding borrowing from...
Laws for salaried employees
[ 5 Answers ]
I am a new salaried employee and not quite sure if my employer is allowed to do this. Recently my company had a shut down for the holidays. All hourly employees were told they would need to take a vacation day or personal/sick day in order to be paid for the days not covered by holiday pay....
Salaried employees
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What are the rules and regulations of putting someone on salary?
Salaried employees
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Is it legal for a salaried employee to take unpaid time off? View more questions Search