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    drixmon's Avatar
    drixmon Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
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    Oct 28, 2010, 04:29 PM
    Shower Mud Slope
    My tile contractor laid a mud bed for a shower pan three days ago. The mud looked a bit soupy and has resulted in a bed with little or no slope toward the drain in some spots. He suggests troweling out some additional mud on top of the dry bed to create the proper slope. He says the new mud will bond to the existing mud. Is this acceptable?
    JazMan's Avatar
    JazMan Posts: 219, Reputation: 14
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    Oct 28, 2010, 04:41 PM

    The word "mud" is miss used all the time. Can you give some info? Was it a bagged item or did he blend the ingredients? How thick is it? Is this the mud under or over the membrane?

    If his mud was soupy, maybe he isn't a tile contractor. If it really was mud, new mud will not bond. Tell us more.

    drixmon's Avatar
    drixmon Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
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    Oct 28, 2010, 05:23 PM
    Comment on JazMan's post
    He used bagged floor mix portland cement poured on top of the membrane. Its about 1 1/2 to 2 inches thick. He also used the plastic slope guides but they didn't result in the proper slope since the wet cement leveled out in places.
    JazMan's Avatar
    JazMan Posts: 219, Reputation: 14
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    Oct 29, 2010, 09:21 AM

    I still don't know what he mixed. Portland cement is one of the proper components of deck mud, the other is sand. It is supposed to be mixed very dry. You should be able to grab a handful and make a ball without your hand getting wet.

    There was also supposed to be a mud pre-slope under the membrane too.

    Do you know the specific name of the bagged product used?

    He used those plastic slope guide thingys huh. LOL That means you are running a training seminar and paying for his education. This guy is not a tile contractor.

    Bljack's Avatar
    Bljack Posts: 245, Reputation: 28
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    Oct 31, 2010, 07:52 AM

    I hope this reply isn't too late. Your shower base is supposed to be two mud layers. The first is a pitched mud bed using 4 parts sand, 1 part portland cement that establishes the pitch. It's mixed with litte water, to a packable consistancy. The liner is installed over this. The liner must be pitched, not installed flat on the floor. The setting bed, same mix as the first, follows the slope created by the first bed. There's a lot more detail to it than this. Post back with where you are at with this project. Your post was a scary Halloween read for me.

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