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Painting over black glue
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I have removed very old vinyl tiles in basement and would like to paint over the black glue which is hard and shiny.
Painting shower walls
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I have an old, retro 70s shower wall (plastic with gold plating) that needs replacing, but I am on a tight budget. Can I seal and paint the existing shower wall until I am able to rip out and replace? Any advice on how to proceed?
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I've been tasked with a project. Basically I need to arrange 4 19" TFT to make one large display and have a smaller display to work off. I can get my head around the large display but can't work out how to have a separate smaller display that shows what is displayed on the large one. Any...
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I had my kitchen walls and ceiling skimmed with a veneer coat of plaster last week. I understand it should dry for several weeks before painting. The cabinet installer is ready to install the new cabinets now. I was thinking it would be best to have the walls painted at least with a primer for... View more questions Search