Ultra Member
Jan 24, 2009, 03:14 AM
How do you remove vertical blinds
I have removed the screw on the end blind thinking they would slide off, but that doesn't happen. There are no other visible screws or nails, and I'm (we're) not even sure how it's held up. Does anyone happen to know how to remove vertical blinds?
Vertical Blinds, Cheap blinds, Discount, Ready Made Blinds, Blinds Online, timber blinds, venetian, bamboo, ecowood blinds, roller blinds, roller, sunscreens
Senior Member
Jan 25, 2009, 07:50 PM
There are so many ways of mounting vertical blinds, I can't count them. Probably screws up through the track. Move the blinds to one end of the track and look up inside.
Ultra Member
Jan 26, 2009, 07:50 AM
I had no idea vertical blinds were so complicated.
Myself and two other people have looked up inside the track and can't see a screw or nail anywhere. I also tried sliding the track out towards me, wondering if it slots in somehow, and that didn't work either. What are some other possibilities, do you think?
Uber Member
Jan 26, 2009, 08:06 AM
Hi, frangipanis!
Is the link to the site that you provided in your original post to a site about the blinds that you currently have, or about the blinds that you want to have, please?
Ultra Member
Jan 26, 2009, 03:11 PM
They're the sort of blinds I currently have, Clough. Now that I've painted the kitchen and dining room, the blinds look really tacky and have to go. Any ideas on how to remove them?
Senior Member
Jan 26, 2009, 07:03 PM
Sometimes they are mounted with a cam device that rotates inside a channel on the TOP of the traverse rail. Climb up and look along the top of the rail and you may see a couple of very small lever-looking things spaced along the unit. Rotate them at least 90 degrees, usually to the other end of their travel and the unit will come down. Be careful to support it, if you bend the last one or two by the weight of the unsupported section, you will have REAL headaches getting them out.
Home Repair & Remodeling Expert
Jan 26, 2009, 09:06 PM
EP makes a good point that I had totally forgotten about. Since these are destine for the heap there is always the small pry bar. Once you pry loose by 1/2" you will most certainly see some mounting screws or cams not clear to you now.
Ultra Member
Jan 27, 2009, 12:54 AM
Thanks, guys. I'm going to need to wait for some help with this as I can't find a cam device.. nothing that rotates. There is a small metal plate on either end of the rack, but not sure how it's holding it up. I've tried prying it loose... might be a pry bar job, yet.
Ultra Member
Mar 17, 2009, 09:26 PM
Brilliant, thanks. That probably explains everything.
I haven't done a thing in the house renovations-wise since the heatwave in late January, so the blinds are still in the same place :)
New Member
Dec 15, 2009, 04:02 PM
 Originally Posted by frangipanis
I had no idea vertical blinds were so complicated.
Myself and two other people have looked up inside the track and can't see a screw or nail anywhere. I also tried sliding the track out towards me, wondering if it slots in somehow, and that didn't work either. What are some other possibilities, do you think?
Has anyone figured it out yet? I can't find a screw that holds it together.
Senior Member
Dec 16, 2009, 10:45 AM
 Originally Posted by schev
Has anyone figured it out yet? I can't find a screw that holds it together.
Look behind the track too. We went to lengths to hide them back when I was installing that type of thing. If you can see a cross section of the track (at the end), that will tell you a lot.
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