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Glue on hardwood floor
[ 5 Answers ]
Just ripped up the carpet and found maple hardwood floors underneath, on one part there is a stretch where it was glued. Does anyone the best producted to use to remove it? Or is sanding my only option? Thanks.
Wonderboard or Sheetrock?
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This is not REALLY a plumbing question, but the experts here might be able to help. My tile man has installed "waterproof" sheetrock (green) on the walls that he is about to tile in a renovated bathroom. I heard that for a bathroom, one should use WonderBoard instead, because of its superior...
Painting over black glue
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I have removed very old vinyl tiles in basement and would like to paint over the black glue which is hard and shiny.
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What is 'fire tape'? Can 'green board' be used on ceilings? What are the various coatings on nails and screws and what are their uses?
Removing glue from just-installed maple hardwood
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I have just installed new maple flooring. I used PL400 glue under to start the first few rows. How do you get the excess glue off the floor safely? I tried Goo-gone, varsol, stain be-gone... nothing works. When you touch the floor, your finger prints remain and will not come off. :confused: ... View more questions Search