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Universal remote replacement needed
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Anyone know of a universal remote that will work with my fan? The original remote has quit working. Here is all the information (see attached picture) I have on the fan/remote: Remote Control Fan speed control Model UC-7040 120V / 60Hz 1A / 250W Made in Taiwan Used with Halsey Ceiling...
Motgage Insurance vs. Life Insurance
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Hi-- I just bought a new house and am getting solicitations for mortgage insurance if I kick the bucket. I don't want my wife to have to be burdened by mortgage debt. Had thought about getting term life insurance to cover the mortgage amount, what's the better approach??
Bankruptcy and life insurance
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I know it is a weird combo. But if you claim corporate bankruptcy and you die can they go after your personal estate? If you have signed a personal guaranty? I heard they have to leave you(if not deceased) or your estate your house and a vehicle(in fla) is this true? Last question. Can they take...
Law of Universal Gravitation
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At what height above the earth must an artificial satellite orbit if it is to remain at the same place relative to the earth?
Life Insurance Trustee
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My brother recently died and left my father as the trustee for his life insurance with his only child as the beneficiary. My father is 72 years old and the child is 15. My father wants me to handle the trust monies for him because of his age, he doesn't want the hassle. There is no will. Is there... View more questions Search