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    caab30's Avatar
    caab30 Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Aug 30, 2009, 09:07 AM
    Insurance Policy

    I have a problem right now and hoping that someone could help me. My father was diagnosed with Lung Cancer last year and he finally passed on August 21st of this year. Here is my dilema. My sister claims that my father had a policy from this one company but when we tried to get them to pay for the funeral, the policy was considered "contestable" meaning that because the policy was under 2 years old, the insurance company had to do a investigation that would take up to 90 days and we could not wait that long to bury my father so we had to get the county to bury him. Now, I feel that my sister is lying about this policy that she claims that my father was suppose to have because she personally told me that she had taken a policy out on him and I think that is the policy that she is trying to say that he had. Now I have called the Social Security Office, Pinching and Benefits Company and now waiting for the Department of Labor to call me back to see if they can help me. My father had even told me that he had enough insurance to bury him and to take care of his children and I feel that my sister has lied to us and trying to keep the monies to herself. She had never showed me a insurance policy, even after I had asked for the policy, she never showed me and I need to know what I need to do to find out if my father did indeed have another insurance policy. Please help me with this. I just cannot see my father waiting to the last minute to put insurance on him. Whatever info that you can give me please do so. Thank you so much and look forward to hearing from one of your reps and please have a great day.
    JudyKayTee's Avatar
    JudyKayTee Posts: 46,503, Reputation: 4600
    Uber Member

    Aug 30, 2009, 09:44 AM

    Who took out the policy? Your sister? Your father? Who paid the premiums and who is the beneficiary?

    The beneficiary determines where the money goes upon death.

    You need more info before you proceed.
    nikosmom's Avatar
    nikosmom Posts: 1,611, Reputation: 488
    Ultra Member

    Aug 30, 2009, 10:06 AM

    First of all, my condolences for your loss. I just lost my father on 8/14 too.

    Regarding the policies, if your sister took out the policy and named herself as the beneficiary then she is entitled to the death benefit.

    As for finding out whether he had another policy, scour the house and look for a policy booklet. Did he ever mention to you the company or amount of insurance he carried?

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