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Question about work sponsored green card
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Hello, My employer and I are in the process of applying for a work sponsored green card. I'm curious about once the process is complete and I have the green, whether I am legally obligated to remain employed with them for a certain period. Are there any kind of restrictions on what kind of...
H1B holder applies for Green Card, can his dependent work?
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Hi There, I am a H1B holder and my wife is in USA on a H4 dependent visa. My company is willing to apply for a green card for me. If the green card application is completed, can my wife work in USA? Thank you in advance.
I'm 19 I want a green card to work legally how do I do that?
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I've been living in the u.s for about 16 yrs.ive attended my 12 years of school and graduated and dhold my h.s diploma .im a good citizen
I'm 19 I want a green card to work legally how do I do that?
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I've been living in the u.s for 16 years and I've attennded school my 12 years I'm a graduate with my h.s diploma I've never been convicted of anything View more questions Search
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