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Switch from E2 to L2 Visum, what happens with work authorization
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Hi, I'm currently an E2 visa holder. I'm eligible to work through my work authorization card and am employed with a software company. Now my husband's contract will change and we will receive a L visum. With my L2 visum I can apply for a new work authorization card. My question is - what...
How can I get work authorization,I have a b1/b2 visa
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I have a valid b1/b2 visa,i am currently in the usa,i would like to look for work,what should i do,not all employers want the hassle of being a sponsor! but i want to be legal
No authorization
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Hello, I'm here new and I like this page very much and to be honest I'm a nobody with computer and I like to learn more and my question is that I like to download games and especially from reflexive but every time that I open the page and try to download their games, I get the messages that I'm...
Medical authorization
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My 9 year old Nephew is coming to California to stay for a week long visit without his parents from Colorado. Do I need to get some type of medical authorization note from his parents in case of an emergency? View more questions Search