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HR confidentiality
[ 4 Answers ]
I opened an employee relations investigation through HR at my company. The investigation was considered "high profile" because it involved the CEO's brother. I specifically inquired about confidentiality because the investigation involved my family (I'm married to the CEOS brother). We are all...
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I live in Arkansas. Can my gynecologist tell my parents I'm not a virgin? I'm 15.
Employer confidentiality
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I live in Connecticut and in 2009 I worked as an admissions rep for a private medical school and I was terminated for two previous write-ups and the third was for performance. I had no problem with their decision and moved on. Recently I was contacted by a lady who worked there some time after me...
HIPAA law on confidentiality
[ 4 Answers ]
I am wondering if it is a hipaa violation for a sleep study agency to disclose sensitive iformation regarding myself to my 12 year old son, and if so what is my legal recourse. View more questions Search