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USMLE fees, h1b attorney fees
[ 4 Answers ]
I am on a H1b visa in the US... my wife is a physician who is writing USMLE exams to get a residency in US... I was wondering if I can deduct all the usmle exam fees + costs of applying to residency programs (close to $5000) as expenses on my taxes? I also paid for the attorney fees to get my...
College application fees and testing fees as tax deductions
[ 3 Answers ]
Are the fees we are paying for our son to apply to various colleges tax deductable? Also, what about the money paid to take ACT ; SAT and AP tests? And, th emoney spent requesting these scores be sent to the universities being applied to?
Power of attorney fees for Ohio?
[ 2 Answers ]
A person for whom I was a power of attorney for the past 14 years has died. What method of determining a reasonable fee for my services is appropriate in the state of Ohio? I performed many business transactions for him and provided all transportation for the past 14 years. I was never...
Power of attorney fees
[ 3 Answers ]
My dads brother passed away about a year ago and my dad became power of attorney for his property and financial assets. Now, I think my dad should be paid for his troubles, and there have been some. My uncles assets include two older houses and about 200k in the bank. Can you help me with this.....
Claiming Attorney fees from Taxes
[ 1 Answers ]
Hi. I am a first time home buyer. Last year when I purchased the house, I paid attorney fees. During Purchase and Sale I paid $150 to one Real estate attorney and during Closing I paid $600 to another attorney + $25 postage charges to closing attorney. My question is can I claim these expenses as... View more questions Search