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    Rufino Corona's Avatar
    Rufino Corona Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Aug 14, 2017, 12:26 PM
    Use my ssn after being deported to register a company in the U.S.A.
    I was deported, but I have a company in my country and I would like to do business in the U.S.A. and by registering my company in the U.S.A. under my SSN would give me more benefits, like issuing me a Reseller's Tax Number.
    Can I use my SSN for this? Or will I be violating the law?
    I reside in another country when I am from, but I was deported from the U.S.A. after being a Permanent Resident for 25 years. So I was given a SSN.
    newacct's Avatar
    newacct Posts: 321, Reputation: 21
    Full Member

    Aug 15, 2017, 11:45 AM
    Your SSN is for life and you not only can, but must use your SSN in any place that asks for your SSN. You cannot get an ITIN since you have an SSN. I am not sure whether an SSN/ITIN is needed to register a company, but if it is, you must use your SSN.

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