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Regarding Social Security
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Call me new. Because I'm far from Social Security, however my father isn't. He just received his first check from the Social Security Office. He asked me if he is able to continue to work, or must he be unemployed to receive Social Security. Question: Can you have both a working income and...
Social security tax
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Hi, I started working last August during the OPT period after graduation. My H-1 was approved and stated to begin on Nov16th 2004. But my company here has been deducting social security tax right from the start date of employment. I am under the impression that the when you are in OPT and...
Social security types
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I wanted to know that what are the different types of social security and its use?
Security Number
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Hello! My name is Valentina (similar with Snt.Valentine's Day!):p I came from Russia by K-1 visa to Minnesota. I've already understood that law s are a little bit different in each state:confused: By my visa I had 90 days to marry to american citizen. We already married on November. Now we are... View more questions Search
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