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W-2 status for a contract job
[ 2 Answers ]
I have been sent a contracting job description that gives a salary quote at W-2 status. Can you tell me what that is? I believe that I would have to pay taxes, insurance, etc. but not sure. Thanks!
F1 Visa Status to H1B Visa Status
[ 0 Answers ]
I am student doing my Masters. I intend starting my OPT from October 1, 2007. An employer has agreed to file H1B for me after April 1, 2008. I guess my H1B Visa will be approved some time in June/July 2008. I want to know when will my status be changed from F1 to H1B. Will it be effective from the...
Job related expenses : visa fees
[ 1 Answers ]
Dear Atlanta Tax Expert, A friend of mine told me she included immigration fees ( visa issuance, travel to home country for visa interview) in the job related expenses to get deductions ( if itemized deductions is better than standard). She said that she considers it a job expense ( which was... View more questions Search