New Member
Oct 15, 2016, 06:30 AM
Political Assylum
Hy everyone, I am 16, I am a cameroonian. I want to get out of my country and make a new life in the usa, and someone suggested I should seek political asylum, how show I do that? I am 16 and my familly is homophobic, I don't have enough money to travel etc. Will the us embassy here accept to grant me political asylum and get me out of here?
Uber Member
Oct 15, 2016, 06:32 AM
 Originally Posted by Nicodem Lihts
Hy everyone, I am 16, I am a cameroonian. I want to get out of my country and make a new life in the usa, and someone suggested I should seek political asylum, how show I do that? I am 16 and my familly is homophobic, I don't have enough money to travel etc. Will the us embassy here accept to grant me political asylum and get me out of here?
What reason do you have for requesting Political Assylum? Because "I want to get out of my country and make a new life in the usa" will be immediately rejected.
New Member
Oct 15, 2016, 07:02 AM
Firstly, because I am bisexual and homosexuality is a crime in this country, I have universal religious points of views different from those in this country
Oct 15, 2016, 07:06 AM
 Originally Posted by Nicodem Lihts
Firstly, because I am bisexual and homosexuality is a crime in this country, I have universal religious points of views different from those in this country
But you are not in America. You have to be a refugee in order to apply.
You're reaching kid. First you want a pedophile to adopt you, now you want political asylum.
New Member
Oct 15, 2016, 08:09 AM
Sorry J_9, it is a way I was replying to smoothy's question. But any way I want to be out of here. So search all possible means
Sorry J_9, it is a way I was replying to smoothy's question. But any way I want to be out of here. So I search all possible alt means I can do that in order to avoid being with a pedophile if possible. Coz both being with a pedophile and remaining in africa to me are both dangerous, so its either I get a different way to get out of here and get my new life , or I still have no choice
Oct 15, 2016, 08:13 AM
All members can respond to any question here.
We we are not going to take time out of our day to help you as you are only 16 and it may be illegal for us to aid you since you are a minor.
If you want to escape, get good grades in school and apply to a university in the US. That is the only way to do this legally.
The age of adulthood in the US is 18. Until you reach 18 we could get in legal trouble as that would be considered aiding a runaway.
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