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    sharanya_s5's Avatar
    sharanya_s5 Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
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    May 12, 2009, 05:33 PM
    Name correction in passport,visa and i94.
    I ve a problem with my name in my passport and hence in US visa its given as FNU in the first name and the same in the i94 as the ssn was also issued as FNU but I could not get my drivers license because of FNU in the ssn.. so I started it by correcting it in the passport first which was successful.. but when I went to the ssn office with my corrected name in passport they said it needs to match with the when I called CBP(for getting my i94 corrected) they said they cannot do a name correction at their office... and now I'm stuck without knowing what to do .should I be correcting it in the visa or i94 if so how.. pl help me on this.. thanks in advance.
    DCcityboy's Avatar
    DCcityboy Posts: 648, Reputation: 27
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    May 12, 2009, 06:27 PM

    You must fix it where it is broken, and that is the passport office of your home country. When you apply for a passport if you only use one name, then that is what they issue your passport under. When you take your passport to AMCON, they assume that is a surname and you have not first name, so they must enter something and that is FNU for "first name unknown"

    An immigration attorney can fix this at the USCIS office. It was your mistake and since the CBP didn't make the mistake, as that was the name on the passport, visa and I-94 (which you fill out) there is nothing for them to correct.
    sharanya_s5's Avatar
    sharanya_s5 Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
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    May 14, 2009, 07:31 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by DCcityboy View Post
    you must fix it where it is broken, and that is the passport office of your home country. when you apply for a passport if you only use one name, then that is what they issue your passport under. when you take your passport to AMCON, they assume that is a surname and you have not first name, so they must enter something and that is FNU for "first name unknown"

    An immigration attorney can fix this at the USCIS office. it was your mistake and since the CBP didnt make the mistake, as that was the name on the passport, visa and I-94 (which you fill out) there is nothing for them to correct.
    Thank u very much... so u mean to say that I can get this problem fixed by changing the name in the VISA through am immigration attorney.(my passport is already corrected).
    DCcityboy's Avatar
    DCcityboy Posts: 648, Reputation: 27
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    May 14, 2009, 05:07 PM

    The visa can only be re-issued by the US consulate, and those are only outside the US. The USCIS in the US can only correct the I-94.

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