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Immigration Australia#Q Immigration Australian
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Hello, I would like to know if there is a register of public records that is able to be accessed regarding - Australians that have migrated to other countries?
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Dear sir Check my passtport No mw5141121 Blacklist is Or No
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Dear Sir; I want to know the immigration fee for Australian Immigration please also clasify both refundable in case of rejection and non refundable immigration fee. I travers every Australian immigration web site but I did'nt find immigration fee please replay me soon. ...
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Hi : If parents both have green card and they deliver baby in India, does the baby also get green card? How can the parents bring the baby to US and can the baby stay in US as a permanent residentor how long does the baby get to stay? What are the rules? Can you please share? Thanks
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Hi Does a green card holder need to stay in US for minimum number of days "every year" to avoid losing (cancelling) the green card? Can the person stay 364 days in India and 1 day in US every year to maintain green card status--or does he have to stay at least 6 months in US every year? Are there... View more questions Search