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Non-Puerto-Rican US citizen gain PR citizenship, be eligible for Spanish citizenship?
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If I understand, a non-Puerto Rican US citizen can live on the island for one year, and be eligible for Puerto Rican citizenship. Spain recognizes Puerto Rican citizenship, and after two years residence, one can be eligible for Spanish (and EU) citizenship. Is this path to Spanish citizenship...
Can I reclaim my German citizenship if I never renounced after dual citizenship?
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I was born in 1974 in Germany to American born military parents. I never renounced my citizenship when it was US/German dual. Can I still apply for German citizenship or somehow reclaim it? I know the laws have varied since the reunification but I want to move Ireland and I believe my ancestry goes...
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My husbands british am tanzanian my husband has a wife in london with kids ,we are married legaly in my country my sons surposed to have his fathers nationality or not and how do I go along with it
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