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Can a Tier 1 dependent visa holder work in uk?
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Hi, I wanted to know if a Tier 1 Dependent visa holder can work in UK the same way as Tier 1 visa holder. I want to apply for a Dependent Visa as my wife has a Tier 1 Visa for UK. Please let me know Thanks
Can I work as a spouse of an H1B visa holder?
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Can I work in the U.S. as a spouse of an H1B Visa Holder??
Steps for getting work permit for L2 visa holder
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Hi... I m on L2 visa and I want to get an EAD... but I am totally confused whrther I should file it online or in person... if any one has already obtained an EAD then please guide me about the steps. Thanks.
Work permit extension for J2 visa holder
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I am a J2 visa holder who was given work permit for 4 years from 9/2005 to 9/2009. If my spouse's J1 visa will not expire until 2011, am I eligible to apply for work permit extension? Is it true that 4 year is the longest time for a J2's work permit? Thank you in advance for your help. View more questions Search