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Acquiring a German passport
[ 2 Answers ]
Wondering why you aren't answering questions that have been asked?? My question as others is can I get a german passport - both sets of my grandparents were born and lived in somewhere in germany. :)
Acquiring german passport through german grandparents?
[ 1 Answers ]
Hi our Grandmother was born in Germany and moved to Canada in The 20's. Our mother was born here. Our grandfather was born in the United States but was of German decent. Can we get a German passport through our grandmother?
Acquiring a German Passport
[ 4 Answers ]
Hello, Is there anyone who can answer whether I can acquire a german passport from having a grandmother on my mothers side being born in Germany? She has a German birth certificate, canadian passport. My mother doesn't have her german citizenship and my grandmother has forfeited her german...
Can I apply for a german passport when married to a german and living in south africa
[ 0 Answers ]
Hi there, I'm South African and would like to know if I will be able to apply for a German passport after getting married to my fiancé which of cause is a German himself. We will however live in South Africa after getting married. Our marriage will also take place in South Africa.
Acquiring a French passport
[ 2 Answers ]
Hello, I am Canadian but my Grandmother has dual citizenship (French and Canadian). She lives 6 months in France and 6 months in Canada. I would like to start proceedings to acquire a French passport... if that is at all possible. Where do I begin? :confused: What do I need to make this a... View more questions Search