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    sheetaln's Avatar
    sheetaln Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Aug 17, 2010, 01:54 PM
    h4 visa extension
    My husbands H1B expired on 17 march 2010 , the employer filed for his extension of visa , but due to some clerical error , my H4 extension was not filed . This fact was revealed to almost 5 months after that is I have overstayed without visa for 5 months in US , the lawyer has asked to move back to home country get visa stmping . As I have overstayed in US what are the chances that this time my visa will get rejected .
    sheetaln's Avatar
    sheetaln Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Aug 17, 2010, 01:59 PM

    My husbands H1B expired on 17 march 2010 , the employer filed for his extension of visa , but due to some clerical error , my H4 extension was not filed . This fact was revealed to almost 5 months after that is I have overstayed without visa for 5 months in US , the lawyer has asked to move back to home country get visa stmping . As I have overstayed in US what are the chances that this time my visa will get rejected .

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