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Trying to obtain dual Greek/USA citizenship; having trouble with Greek Consulates
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I'm trying to find help in obtaining Greek citizenship through my father, who was born in Greece, still has his Greek passport, but is now a naturalized U.S. citizen. The main problem I am having is finding a consulate that will even talk to me/help me. The one consulate that has been helpful is...
How does a 2nd Generation Greek American get Greek Citizenship?
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My parents were born in the United States, but all of their antecedents were born in Greece (or Turkish-held Greece -- Samos). Although my command of the language is very limited, I do have a Greek baptismal certificate and knowledge of Greece's history and culture. I am 56 and would like to...
Dual Greek-US Citizenship
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All four of my grandparents emigrated to the US from Greece; does anyone know the steps involved for me to obtain dual Greek-US citizenship?
Dual Citizenship American & Greek
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Hi, I am an American married to a Greek citizen who was naturalized an now has dual citizenship in the US and Greece. My question is "Is it possible for me to obtain Greek citizenship (and passport) through my marriage to her, and if so, how do I go about it?" Thanks in advance all you...
Dual usa/greek citizenship
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I would like to know how I go about getting a copy of my husband's grandfather's birth certificate - it was born in Tripoli Greece. Is their a form or service I need to use or can I go through the embassy? View more questions Search