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    Piggley Winks's Avatar
    Piggley Winks Posts: 40, Reputation: 1
    Junior Member

    Feb 15, 2017, 03:29 PM
    Do I need to stay in my job for a year after my Permanent Residency Case is approved?

    I am a professor in a teaching university. I am pursuing my Permanent Residency through Labor Cert, I-140 and I-485. My attorney's office recommends me to remain in the job for at least a year after my Permanent Residency Case is approval. What is the reason?

    Due to the relationship between the attorney and my employer, I cannot ask the attorney this question. If you know the reason, would you please share?

    Thank you
    Fr_Chuck's Avatar
    Fr_Chuck Posts: 81,301, Reputation: 7692

    Feb 15, 2017, 04:56 PM
    Then get a second attorney or different. You should not have an attorney that has a conflict of interest, In fact it is not ethical for them to have you as client and also your company.

    If you already have your green card, (would assume if you were approved for permanent residency) then you are free to change employment any time you want.
    NYcityboy's Avatar
    NYcityboy Posts: 785, Reputation: 65
    Senior Member

    Feb 26, 2017, 07:12 AM
    The primary reason is that the permanent residence is approved based on intended employment with the petitioning employer.

    If you leave shortly after approval, the USCIS may question the validity of the petition. But, as a permanent resident, you are free to work anywhere (subject to the terms of your employment contract). Be prepared to support the validity of your employment and reasons for leaving soon after the green card was approved. This may come up when (and if) you apply for naturalization.

    Please consult with an experienced immigration attorney, good luck.

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