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    Sherman13's Avatar
    Sherman13 Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Jul 26, 2012, 08:43 AM
    HR confidentiality
    I opened an employee relations investigation through HR at my company. The investigation was considered "high profile" because it involved the CEO's brother. I specifically inquired about confidentiality because the investigation involved my family (I'm married to the CEOS brother). We are all employed at the same company. A woman in the office was contacting me and telling me details of a relationship she was having with my husband. I asked her to stop the contact several times but it continued for over 6 months. I had no choice but to report the problem. 1 week later I found out the HR person investigating the report breached confidentiality and told full details of the report to another one of my family members who also works for the company. This family member is in no way associated with the investigation. I called HR again and asked about confidentiality policy and their responsibility. They took the inquiry very serious but I did not give names, only told them I had proof the information had leaked. Less than 24 hours later, my husband received phone calls from this family member yelling at him about my report. This has been very damaging to me and my reputation within the company and in regards to my family. My questions.. 1) do I have a legal case regarding breach of confidentiality? 2) I'd like to know what my companies responsibility is to treat my report as it would any other complaint regardless of my last name. I was told they would not investigate further because of who was involved and the sensitivity of the issue. Basically, I get damaged and the woman who is the continuing problem walks away without so much as warning. The message is that she can continue her behavior without recourse because she got involved with the CEOs married brother. And.. I have no recourse to get her harassment stopped. PLEASE HELP! I'm desperate.
    JudyKayTee's Avatar
    JudyKayTee Posts: 46,503, Reputation: 4600
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    Jul 26, 2012, 08:49 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Sherman13 View Post
    I opened an employee relations investigation through HR at my company. The investigation was considered "high profile" because it involved the CEO's brother. I specifically inquired about confidentiality because the investigation involved my family (I'm married to the CEOS brother). We are all employed at the same company. A woman in the office was contacting me and telling me details of a relationship she was having with my husband. I asked her to stop the contact several times but it continued for over 6 months. I had no choice but to report the problem. 1 week later I found out the HR person investigating the report breached confidentiality and told full details of the report to another one of my family members who also works for the company. This family member is in no way associated with the investigation. I called HR again and asked about confidentiality policy and their responsibility. They took the inquiry very serious but I did not give names, only told them I had proof the information had leaked. Less than 24 hours later, my husband received phone calls from this family member yelling at him about my report. This has been very damaging to me and my reputation within the company and in regards to my family. My questions ..1) do I have a legal case regarding breach of confidentiality? 2) I'd like to know what my companies responsibility is to treat my report as it would any other complaint regardless of my last name. I was told they would not investigate further because of who was involved and the sensitivity of the issue. Basically, I get damaged and the woman who is the continuing problem walks away without so much as warning. The message is that she can continue her behavior without recourse because she got involved with the CEOs married brother. And.. I have no recourse to get her harrasment stopped. PLEASE HELP! I'm desperate.

    I don't see that you had no choice but to report this to HR - how about reporting the harassment to the Police?

    Your problem is with your husband, not the other woman. Your husband owes you loyalty. The other woman does not.

    You aren't going to want to hear this but I would be very unhappy if someone brought her private life into MY office in the form of a complaint.

    Report the harassment to the Police - now.

    You can always ask an Attorney but I see no case here. I have no idea what your expectation for privacy is or should have been. I think you are going to make a bad situation first.
    Sherman13's Avatar
    Sherman13 Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 26, 2012, 09:16 AM
    Thanks for your reply Judy.
    I do understand already that this woman is not my problem.
    There are additional issues which were too complicated to provide regarding my reasoning for reporting her to HR which are directly work related (my husbands ability to influence her career, compensation, etc.)

    My bigger concern which does relate to and directly effect me at work is the breach of confidentiality by HR. Is this a legal issue?
    ScottGem's Avatar
    ScottGem Posts: 64,966, Reputation: 6056
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    Jul 26, 2012, 09:32 AM
    Its not really a legal issue. Unless there is a specific written policy that covers such investigations, you "pays your money and takes your chances".

    I agree with Judy here, unless this woman was using company facilities (e-mail, mail system etc.) to harass you, it is a police matter not a corporate matter. You don't say if this woman's allegations are true. If so, then you are reporting your husband for issues relating to his relationship, not so much the woman.
    JudyKayTee's Avatar
    JudyKayTee Posts: 46,503, Reputation: 4600
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    Jul 26, 2012, 09:58 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Sherman13 View Post
    Thanks for your reply Judy.
    I do understand already that this woman is not my problem.
    There are additional issues which were too complicated to provide regarding my reasoning for reporting her to HR which are directly work related (my husbands ability to influence her career, compensation, etc.)

    My bigger concern which does relate to and directly effect me at work is the breach of confidentiality by HR. Is this a legal issue?

    So you reported the woman's behavior with your husband - which comes down to your husband's behavior with this woman - to HR? Now I'm more confused. Do you get less money if she gets more money? Something else?

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