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Programming a DSC PC1832
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Hello, I'm installing and programming a basic home security system. I'm using a DSC PC1832 control panel. I have 2 keypads and a number of devices (door and window contacts, pir's, smoke and heat detectors). The home is divided into 2 suites (owner's and tenant's) and I've partitioned the...
Programming manual dsc pc1832
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I am looking for a programming manual for a dsc pc1832. Could anyone point me in the right direction. Thanks
What can I do about the Alarm
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My honda accord 2003 has 2 alarms because buttons on the key were damaged. When the alarm goes off the headlights go off and on. The problem is when I put the key in the lock and turn it, to disactivate the alarm, it won't turn off. There are 3 wire that are not connected inside the door panel I...
Car alarm keeps going off
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I guess the guy I got the car from hooked up his alarm to the battery. The battery is dead I guess but now the alarm won't stop going off. I've tried everything with the remote but no hope. Is it the battery?? :confused: View more questions Search