New Member
Jan 1, 2009, 09:16 PM
Programming a DSC PC1832
Hello, I'm installing and programming a basic home security system. I'm using a DSC PC1832 control panel. I have 2 keypads and a number of devices (door and window contacts, pir's, smoke and heat detectors). The home is divided into 2 suites (owner's and tenant's) and I've partitioned the control panel into 2 partitions. I've added a zone expander so I have 16 zones to work with. My question is regarding one room (laundry room) which is shared by the owner and the tenant, who each have a door going into the laundry room and there is also a door that goes to the carport, which is the tenant's main entry/exit but is also used by the owner. Can this door be a zone that is controlled by both partitions, that is can you create common zones? Thanks for your help. I'm taking a security systems course and I have the installation and programming manuals.
Uber Member
Jan 2, 2009, 11:30 AM
I take it you programmed each keypad for each partition, Location 000.
Then Zone assignments for the zones, for laundry room enable that zone for Partition 1 and 2, Locations 202, 203, 204, and 205.
You may want to check out the 5580 TC to allow Automation, remote control, remote thermostat control, arming/disarming, lighting control, Very Useful, Good Panel
Good Luck, Take Care
Oh yeah, be sure to enable supervision (location 902) wait about a minute then 903 to be sure panel shows both keypads.
Uber Member
Jan 3, 2009, 09:24 AM
Also be sure zone expander is seen.
If zones show opening and closing and opening then panel sees it.
I have their 3 Keypads.
1) Icon keypad that can produce 4 different chime sounds, I have a wireless door/window transmitter in my Van, so if a door is opened at night, I hear the Alarm chime, I have a different sound for the front door, garage door, and shed. No need to try to read a key pad.
2) The LED keypad, I have the 32 zone, and can see from my bed what zone is violated, by the location.
3) is the Alpha Keypad, you can give zones custom names, and has an Event log to see when last armings/disarmings, alarms or other events happened. Plus, if users are given separate codes, you can know when the maid showed up and left, by her user number.
New Member
May 8, 2010, 10:29 AM
Need help resetting the program file the panel says its looking for partition hoping that reset panel will clear problem does any won know how to reset the panel DSC PC1832
Uber Member
May 8, 2010, 10:32 AM
You need to be able to program/reprogram before resetting to default which will likely make system unusable.
You need to go into programming and enroll all keypads for Partition 1, this can all be done at location 000.
Are you using more than 1 partition?
New Member
May 8, 2010, 10:52 AM
 Originally Posted by Stratmando
You need to be able to program/reprogram before resetting to default which will likely make system unusable.
You need to go into programming and enroll all keypads for Partition 1, this can all be done at location 000.
Are you using more than 1 partition?
No I am not just stuck finger in wrong place it doesn't find the partition
If you touch the lcd key pad it says Partition #3 not unavailable if you hold down the # it show partition 1 - 8 with a N under #1
You push the #1 key and the panel looking for system and it goes right back to having a problem I just had a tech here working on it says I burned the panel or screwed up the programming he jump a wire between PGM-1 to Z1 and it did nothing for it
Thanks in advance if you can help
Uber Member
May 8, 2010, 01:05 PM
Can you program and want to default, you have other steps involving removing AC, Battery ias well as shorting the pgm to z1.
I would try resetting all keypads, and if 1 partition, program 1st as partition 1, Keypad 1, (11).
Next Keypad, Partition 1, Key pad 2(12)
3rd would be 13 and so on, then enable supervision for a minute(902), then 903 to see if it sees the 3, or whar=tever amount of keypads, expanders receivers(or what ever is on the buss.
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