New Member
Apr 16, 2010, 12:17 PM
How to reset dsc alarm pc1832
A friend had a problem with there alarm,there is no paper work for this panal and no codes at all,the panel is in a lockable box with no keys.
I have forced the box and the panel inside is a pc1832/1864
I believe to reset the panel you have to short out pgrm1 and z1,I have done this but this has not worked,don't no what else to try and there are at least 4 alarms in the same street with the same fault,can anybody help
Uber Member
Apr 16, 2010, 02:13 PM
Hope you didn't reset Panel, Connecting PGM and Z1 and a couple of other steps will reset panel to Default Values, Unless you know to reprogram this, don't do it.
Zones need to be programmed as Interior, Instant, Entry, Fire or something. Default may be wrong, If all zone show a violation, could be that programming had been changed from EOL's as default, And no EOL's were installed.
I have a site for the owners Manual. I can't give out Programming Manual, but can help with Programming.
I'll be back with a site that has your owners Manual.
He doesn't have the Master Code? New House? What's the situation.
You may not have reset to Default, as you may have missed a few steps. This is Good.
New Member
Apr 16, 2010, 03:18 PM
 Originally Posted by Stratmando
Yes I did try to reset the panel,but don't think I managed to,customer had never used the system in over a year then one night the alarm went of,they didn't no how to shut it down so they cut cables to keypad and sounder,then got the window cleaner to cut bell cables in morning,the same fault is on the alarm in the next house along,no codes so can't arm the system
Uber Member
Apr 16, 2010, 03:25 PM
With the bell cut, it will show as a system trouble and the removed keypad will also be a problem as they are supervised(System knows when and which device on the buss is removed.
You will need to repair wiring to Keypad and bell circuit, replace bell fuse, and reset time and date to eleminate the Time and Date trouble light, yellow, press *2 to view trouble(s). Let me know what you get.
If this is an 8 zone basic system(contacts, motions, smokes) and no wireless or expanders, you would need to tell me what zones are what, and I can help default and reprogram.
New Member
Apr 16, 2010, 03:39 PM
 Originally Posted by Stratmando
With the bell cut, it will show as a system trouble and the removed keypad will also be a problem as they are supervised(System knows when and which device on the buss is removed.
You will need to repair wiring to Keypad and bell circuit, replace bell fuse, and reset time and date to eleminate the Time and Date trouble light, yellow, press *2 to view trouble(s). Let me know what you get.
If this is an 8 zone basic system(contacts, motions, smokes) and no wireless or expanders, you would need to tell me what zones are what, and I can help default and reprogram.
Repaired wiring to keypad and bell and now working,keypad displays date which is wrong and time,says set system or enter code,have tried numerous codes but none have worked
Uber Member
Apr 16, 2010, 03:41 PM
Try 5555 and 1234 with the green ready light
Also try *85555 or *85010 and let me know what happens. If reds light come on hit ## to exit and let me know what happens.
Uber Member
Apr 16, 2010, 03:44 PM
You have a Yellow light, right? Hit *2 and let me know what it says. ALL my questions are importand, as well as what zones are what?
Good Luck.
New Member
Apr 16, 2010, 03:45 PM
 Originally Posted by Stratmando
try 5555 and 1234 with the green ready light
also try *85555 or *85010 and let me n=know what happens. if reds light come on hit ## to exit and let me know what happenes.
OK will do,thanks for your time
New Member
Jul 25, 2011, 02:05 PM
Comment on Stratmando's post
I know this is an old thread, but I am having a similar problem. I reset the panel and now it has a default code of 1234 that I can't seem to change. I tried *5,1234,40 (also tried 41), <new code>, ## and it never removes 1234. When I enter the *85555 it does go into a programming mode (which I ## out of).
Uber Member
Jul 26, 2011, 05:38 AM
You need to use *6, not *5.
* 8 is installers code and is used for system programming.
## will exit out of both.
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