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Building Codes
[ 1 Answers ]
Is it against code to have a 20amp circuit in an exercise room in a basement? Should our builder have known that we would be using exercise equipment and that a 20 amp circuit should have been used? Right now, While using the treadmill, it does smell a little and did shut off last week after...
Building codes
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What % can a stud be notched into for piping for the structure to still pass code?
Building Codes for Metal Studs
[ 5 Answers ]
I am thinking about framing my basement with metal studs. I live in Frankin Township, located in Chester County Pennsylvania and am trying to find the residential building codes to determine if metal studs can be used and then what the wiring requirements are. Can someone answer my questions or...
Apartment Codes
[ 2 Answers ]
I wanted to know... I live in Austin, Texas. I just moved into a new apartment. I love the floor plan, but I've had nothing but problems. The main question I have is, are they supposed to change the carpet every time someone moves out? I noticed when I first moved in that it looked like it was just... View more questions Search