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Ancient Indian caste system before 1500CE
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So I'm doing a project on the ancient Indian caste system, and its suppose to be in a format of a newspaper. One of the parts of it is suppose to be an interview with a person of that time and it has to be an actual person. Another is an editorial where someone give their opinion about the whole...
Breed Restrictive Legislation
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Is anyone from a state that has overcome breed restrictions? It is nearly impossible to find housing that allows American Staffordshire Terriers, Chow Chows, Rottweilers, or Dobermans; I mean they don't even allow temperament testing, which seems ridiculous to me. For instance at the apartments I...
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I have a situation and I am sure how to help my uncle. Arturo owned a seven acre tract, Skyacre, which was adjacent to a similarly sized meadow, Greenacre, owned by Benno. In an effort to protect his view of Greenacre and sight line of the horizon, Arturo, without benefit of counsel, drafted... View more questions Search