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I want to find somewne who can help me translate a quote into Tengwar curisive
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I want to take my favorite books LOTR, and my favorite movie and combine them into a arm band tattoo. I want take the quote from Auntie Mame, "Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death" and translate it into the Tengwar Cursive font from the one ring. Any suggestions?
Trying to find the movie that this quote is from...
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What movie has the words "sell cars, save the world and all that jazz"? I am desperate to find out! My buddy asked me and it is bugging the crap out of me that I can't remember!
Looking for definition to a quote can not find the anwser any wher
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Marius was in this first vehement and fascinating period which the grand passion commences
I need to translate English quote into a Classic Sanskrit quote
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Beautiful lotus without a scent like him who doesn’t act accordingly. Bussihism taught a life not by rule, but by principle, a life of beauty; and as a consequence, it was a religion of tolerance. It was the most charitable system under the sun. Thanks guys Nicole:)
Where ccan I find quote @ Capitalism & Communism
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Some Communist author stated that the USA would not need to be invaded to bring about Communisn.. . "that we will fall from within like over-ripe grapes" View more questions Search