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Can any lawyer draw up court papers for a title transfer of papers of personal rep
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My aunt in SD left me a car in her will. Assets were over 50,000 so I have to get papers of personal representation and submit them in court. Her lawyer told me it will cost as much as the car is worth. This seems unreal. Is there any other avenue I can take?
The Federalist Papers.. Alexander Hamilton
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Hi, I was reading through a couple of the Federalist Papers and I am not sure if I am understand and interpreting The Federalist No. 76 and 77 concerning the appointing power of the executive and others which were also mentioned as well. I didn't want to look up the translation on one of the...
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I got a dui about a year ago and did not go to the court because I went to mexico and when the court date came up I was not let in by the border patrol and now I'm want to get my papers but don't know if I'm going to get denied what do you think I can do thank you
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I just adopted 3 mini-daschound puppies (so far they look long hair.) a co-worker got one. The parents were from another co-worker. The parents were never registered. Is there any way that we can register ours? All are pure breed. Thanks for any help. They were born overnight 1/1-1/2/08. View more questions Search