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Equal rights
[ 0 Answers ]
What person fought for equal rights in education?
Why does the man have equal rights?
[ 3 Answers ]
I am going through a similar situation at the moment. My daughters dad has such a terrible attitude towards me and does not give me any money towards the upbring of his child, I understand that people should man up to their choices in life, but shouldn't he? He expects a packed bag with clean...
Speaking of rights...
[ 19 Answers ]
According to the 9th circus court of appeals, you have no reasonable expectation of privacy... unless you're rich. Thank God for conservative judges, eh? Looks like those flaming liberal judges are perfectly fine with not only taking your rights away, but looking out for their rich buddies...
Airlines/Flights from Germany with German speaking flight attendants
[ 1 Answers ]
I have lived in the USA for 23 years. This June my 78 year old mother who does not speak any english will be flying from Frankfurt to Chicago to visit me. Which Airlines traveling the Frankfurt ( Or Munich ) to Chicago route ( non stop) have flight attendants that speak German and would be able to...
Does no rights equal no child support?
[ 2 Answers ]
My baby's daddy has made no attempt or effort at being a father. He is more interested in seeing me personnally than our child. He wants to give up all his parental rights, which I think would be a good idea. However I still need child support to help with daycare costs because I am a single... View more questions Search