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Does communism changed its face? Is it more active and do we fail to identify it?
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People often talk that communism is not on the picture. Since the biggest communist China has gone liberal economy. But watching recent happenings around the globe, it seems communism changed it's forms.
Communism vs Islam THE WAY OF LIFE I.e. Social system of justice
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Dear Brother , Salaam Alykum Waa Rehmatullah ! As subject well depicts my question which I would like to raise here. One of my friend has serious influence of communism / marxism, linen... though he is born muslim but not practicing really BUT also do not deny creator means is not totally...
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I've searched on Google and most of them say Karl Heinrich Marx was the father of Communism. He wrote a book on what Communism is and how it's done. But I've also seen considerable websites that says Lenin was the father of communism. Who was really?
Where ccan I find quote @ Capitalism & Communism
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While the world media is watching the mid-east, communism is creeping into Latin America, thanks to Cuba and Chavez. This coming Sunday’s vote may even bring it to a “surge” in that direction. "He who says he supports Chavez but votes 'no' is a traitor, a true traitor," so says Chavez. That sounds... View more questions Search