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two forces 25N and 15N act on a particl. If the angle between the 2 forces is x = sin
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two forces 25N and 15N act on a particl. If the angle between the 2 forces is x = sin-4/5. find the magnitude and direction of the resultant if a) x is acude b) x is obtuse
I'm Catholic, but am not to date certain Protestants?
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I had a christian boyfriend and he broke up wit me because he's religion. I'm catholic and is he allowed to be with me or no?
Iranian IRG forces in act of war on US soil
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The Justice Dept charged two men in an Iranian directed plot to assassinate the Saudi Arabian ambassador to the U.S. and fomenting terrorism on U.S. soil. Elements of the Iranian IRG QOD force was ready to hire a drug-cartel hit squad from Mexico to do the act said U.S. Attorney General Eric...
Five most important questions to be answered regarding Catholics and Protestants?
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What would you say are the four or five most important questions that must be asked when examining the claims of the Protestant and Catholic positions? Here are what I believe some of them would be: 1) Was the office of an infallibe Pope with absolute authority spoken of by Christ or the... View more questions Search