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15 line free verse poem about english
[ 4 Answers ]
I neeed hel on my emglish homework.. and I'm not really good at poems..! HELP ! I need a 15 line free verse poem about anglish.. or graduation! :'(
How do I write a free verse poem about yourself
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They could have a central theme or focus I have to write five or six of these poems
Free verse poems
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I need help with a free verse poem for english please help
I need to know how to write a free verse poem about myself
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My homework assignment is to write a personal poem about myself and has to include the following: 1. 20 lines in length 2. Creative title 3. Describe elements of your own birth 4. Describe personality and appearance 5. include one descriptive simile 6. comparing yourself to a color 7.... View more questions Search